Normal Tension vs High Tension Glaucoma: An Overview
Journal > /en/journal/2019/2/1
The study provides an up-to-date overview of pathogenesis, functional and structural changes in normal tension glaucoma (NTG) and its differences from high tension glaucomas (HTG).
The authors point to less known facts which make both diagnostic groups different. First of all, there are electrophysiological findings that verify pathology in the complete visual pathway in HTG in contrast to NTG whe...
Highlights of Hypertensive and Normotensive Glaucoma
Journal > /en/journal/2020/5/3
The paper presents the up-to-date overview of pathogenesis, functional and structural changes in normotensive glaucoma (NTG) and its differences from hypertensive glaucoma (HTG).
The autors point out new facts that distinguish both diagnostic groups. In the first place are the results of OCT angiography, which verify the pathology of NTG to the anterior part of optic nerve.
Our findings confirmed ...
95th Anniversary Of The Czechoslovak Ophthalmological Society
Journal > /en/journal/2022/1/2
After the end of the First World War, the most important event in the history of our country was the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic on October 28, 1918. Professor Deyl repeatedly spoke about the need to establish a Czechoslovak Ophthalmological Society. Only his successor, professor. O. Lešer implemented Deyl's idea and, in agreement with the heads of the Bratislava and Brno department...
Analysis of the Anteroposterior Corneal Optical Power Ratio Using OCT
Journal > /en/journal/2022/5/2
Aims: The aim of the study was to analyse the values of the anteroposterior corneal optical power ratio (AP ratio), to compare the resulting values with those theoretical models of the eye, and to define the effect of using an individual ratio value on the approximation of the total corneal power.
Material and Methods: A total of 406 eyes were included. Each patient underwent an OCT (RTVue XR) exa...
The Far Nasal Part of the Visual Field – Part I
Journal > /en/journal/2023/6/3
Aims: The aim of the study was to determine the limits of the far nasal part of the visual field.
Material and Methods: Visual field examination was performed in 15 healthy subjects (30 eyes), specifically nine women aged 20–43 years and six men aged 22–35 years. All eyes were found to have physiological ocular findings and visual acuity of 1.0 with correction less than or equal to 3 diopters. The...